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<li class="current-rating" current="3.50" style="width:56px;">Currently 3.50/5</li>
Length: 1:20
<p>The Stoke Pack line. We designed this Stoke Pack line for the outdoor cross trainer or OXT customer. These people participate in a variety of outdoor activities whether it's trail running, or mountain biking, or just doing some fast packed hiking. For this reason, ventilation and hydration are the most important things for them.</p>
<p>With hydration, what we do is we give you a dedicated reservoir sleeve so you can accommodate most hydration reservoir systems and you can still route the hydration tube above either shoulder. So, to take care of the ventilation, we created a back panel with egg crate foam so you provide lots of channels for all that air to escape. We also carry that same philosophy into the shoulder straps by putting perforated foam across all the shoulder straps so, again, all that air can escape.</p>
<p>So, the Stoke Pack line includes two different sizes; a 19 liter and a 9 liter version. The 19 liter is really designed when you need more gear and it also includes things like a little bit more exterior pocket and a little bit more organization.</p>
<p>The 9 is really designed for the true minimalist where most importantly, it's a slim profile so it keeps that weight close to your body because you're moving around pretty fast.</p>